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Administrative, Civil, and Criminal Defense

A national benefit of membership in the Fraternal Order of Police is the ability to enroll in the FOP Legal Defense Plan.


This program is designed specifically to cover the law enforcement exposures faced by members of the FOP Legal Defense Plan by paying legal defense costs on behalf of participating members for the following actions and proceedings:

  • Coverage A – Administrative (includes Administrative Off-Duty)

  • Coverage B – Civil

  • Coverage C – Criminal

  • Retired Law Enforcement Concealed Carry Coverage – Retired officers can now get unlimited legal defense coverage for civil and criminal claims associated with the legally carrying and use of a concealed weapon to learn more click here.


Legal defense protection is a necessity for law enforcement professionals.  As the frequency and cost of allegations rise, the FOP Legal Defense Plan offers you and your lodge members a very affordable and comprehensive plan. To learn more, click here.


Lance LaRusso
Principal Attorney

As a civil litigator with a law enforcement background, Lance focuses his practice on critical incident & media response for public safety, catastrophic personal injury, tractor trailer wrecks, and wrongful death cases. He is licensed to practice in Georgia, Tennessee, & Arkansas.

Lance LaRusso
Georgia State FOP Lodge Logo

1827 Powers Ferry Road

Building 8, Suite 200

Atlanta, GA 30339



Not a FOP Lodge 65 member? Join today.

Lodge 65 is a State of Georgia FOP Lodge serving Bartow, Cherokee, and Pickens Counties' law enforcement.

Lodge 65 Seal
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